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Seismic Retrofit

Seismic Retrofit

Use what we need, and not any more than that. Climate change is now a very real part of our lives. It looms over our everyday habits. The vehicle we use. How we dispose of our recyclables. Reminding ourselves constantly to bring the reusable bags with us every time we go out to buy groceries. Yet, the topic of climate change and the effect we have on our planet is even more present in the construction industry. Down to the materials used and the steps taken to develop these structures, sustainability dictates how we design our structures in hopes of ensuring a better life for future generations.  

Miyamoto is committed to preserving our environment by engineering sustainable, built environments. With projects that push the limits in sustainable construction, such as Google Charleston East Headquarters, Dublin Police & Fire Safety Complex and Arch Nexus Sustainable Adaptive Reuse, our structural and MEP engineering staff brings valuable knowledge and experience to all our projects. We care about our planet, and we believe that sustainability is the only way forward. 

Seismic Retrofit Projects

HaitiHigh Performance Eathquake EngineeringHistoric RehabilationReligiousSeismic Retrofit/Heritage Renovation

Jacmel Cathedral

Jacmel, Haiti

Miyamoto is providing a high-performance seismic rehabilitation of this historic Catholic cathedral in the oceanside [..]

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Disaster ReconstructionNepalReligiousSeismic Retrofit/Heritage Renovation

Repair, Seismic Retrofit and Supervision of Thrangu Tara Abbey

Kathmandu, Nepal

The Thrangu Tara Abbey Monastery for Buddhist nuns is located in Swayambunath, a very special [..]

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AviationEarthquake Resilient EngineeringLos AngelesSeismic Retrofit/Heritage Renovation

LAX Theme Building

Los Angeles, CA

The futuristic LAX Theme Building, a Space Age icon at Los Angeles’ airport, was at [..]

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