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Following the Canterbury earthquakes, Miyamoto International NZ (formerly Impact South Island) were appointed as the Council’s Insurance Programme Manager. The Council’s insurance claims covered thousands of assets valued at billions of dollars. They included the second largest portfolio of social housing in the country, major facilities within Christchurch, such as AMI and QEII stadiums, public facilities, recreation areas and waste- water pumping stations.

We recognized the significance of developing efficient resolutions to the settlement of these claims for the repair and restoration of the city. Miyamoto questioned, listened and facilitated a number of workshops with key stakeholders then developed a strategy for creating the way forward. We then put the process in place to deliver on this strategy. The result was a high level of collaboration, transparency in reporting and information management, and progress in resolving the claims. We were then appointed to lead the improvements to the Council’s earthquake claims database. We are proud of the assistance we could offer the Council with this complex but hugely important issue.

Market Sector
Disaster Response
Christchurch, New Zealand
Completion Date
2012 – 2013
Christchurch City Council (CCC)

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