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COP28 Crew

Miyamoto International recently attended the pivotal 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP28). As leaders in hazard mitigation and disaster recovery, we joined the global dialogue around accelerating climate action with a focus on resilient and sustainable housing.

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On a high-level finance panel, our principal, Elizabeth Petheo, spoke alongside UN-Habitat Executive Director Maimunah Sharif. They engaged in a thoughtful discussion on spurring private sector investment into globally scalable green affordable housing. Creative policies and financing mechanisms are imperative to bring these urgent solutions to vulnerable communities.

The next day, USAID launched the PREPARE climate resilience initiative with government heads and private companies like IBM, Mastercard and now Miyamoto. We pledged to share innovative resilience strategies from around the world to bolster housing against intensifying disaster threats. Our expertise will help advise policymakers on incorporating resilience into housing projects.A group of women sitting in chairs Description automatically generated

Miyamoto International Principal, Olivia Neilsen, also emphasized the urgent need for upgraded green housing in Africa that can withstand climate changes. Engineers, architects and planners play a critical role in the accountable built environment transitions required to achieve resilience goals.

The message was clear – the private sector must elevate and implement climate adaptation solutions for housing.”

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Mr. Amit Prothi, DG, CDRI; Dr. Rave Aulakh, Project Director, Miyamoto-CDRI Project and Miyamoto International Advisors, including Dr. Mahesh Rajasekar, Mr. Kiran Gowda, and Mr. Viraj Desai participated in over 20 sessions, such as Enhancing Global Resilience through Earth Observation, Capturing the Resilience Dividend and Water as Leverage. Three important initiatives were launched, including an Urban Infrastructure Resilience Programme, a Global Infrastructure Risk Model and Resilience Index, and a Call for Action: Resilience of Seaport Infrastructure in the Indo-Pacific Region.

The message was clear – the private sector must elevate and implement climate adaptation solutions for housing. Vulnerable communities cannot wait any longer. Miyamoto International returns from COP28 re-energized about equipping households worldwide with resilience against mounting climate threats.

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