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Post-earthquake Rubble In Turkey
Post-earthquake Rubble In Turkey
Post-earthquake Rubble In Turkey

The CRS Turkey Earthquake Response project aims to provide rapid and sustainable emergency shelter solutions that accelerate the safe return home of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and early recovery of affected communities in Gaziantep, Turkey. The project will benefit 50,000 direct and 100,000 indirect beneficiaries, including households and communities affected by the devastating earthquakes that struck southeastern Turkey and the adjoining northern border areas of Syria on February 6, 2023.

The project is being implemented by Miyamoto Protek , a leading local/international earthquake structural engineering company with over 70 years of experience in earthquake risk mitigation, repair, and recovery. Miyamoto International has responded to more than 100 earthquake disasters and has been working on issues related to seismic risk in Turkey since 2007.

The project strategy in Gaziantep will assist an estimated 12,500 households in rapidly returning to safe homes, thus reducing the pressure on temporary shelter camps and promoting community and economic recovery to this critical capital city in south-central Turkey. The project will leverage Miyamoto’s expertise in earthquake risk mitigation, repair, and recovery to provide evidence-based solutions that are sustainable and effective in addressing the needs of affected communities.

The project will also work closely with the Government of Turkey (GoT) and other stakeholders to ensure that the safe return home and repopulation of earthquake-affected cities and towns is a priority for the affected families and local communities. The project will provide technical assistance, training, and capacity building to local partners and stakeholders to ensure the sustainability of the project’s outcomes.

Overall, the CRS Turkey Earthquake Response project represents a critical response to the urgent needs of affected communities in Gaziantep, Turkey, and demonstrates the importance of evidence-based, sustainable solutions in addressing the complex challenges of earthquake risk mitigation, repair, and recovery.

Gaziantep, Turkey
Catholic Relief Services

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