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Puerto Rico Structural Engineers

Miyamoto International is now providing expert consultation services for the response, recovery and reconstruction efforts underway in Puerto Rico following a series of earthquakes in January of 2020. Our team is focusing on damage, repair and strengthening assessments for schools, government buildings, correctional facilities, commercial buildings and homes across Puerto Rico.

These were the first destructive earthquakes in Puerto Rico in the last 100 years and our team is working with communities, commercial sector, local and state governments for efficient recovery strategies and engineering expertise. We will work closely with affected communities to understand their individual needs. We have set up a permanent office in Ponce with the assistance of local Puerto Rico engineering experts.

We are committed to this country for not only recovery but long term economic expansion. We will be working alongside Puerto Rican and international engineers to build capacity around high-performance earthquake engineering and seismic resilient reconstruction.

Miyamoto’s mission is to make the world a better, safer place while protecting people and structures in areas of high earthquake risk.

Contact Info

Calle Castillo #33
Ponce, PR 00730

P +939-238-9597

Jose Garcia Villamil

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