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“Imminent Danger: Earthquake Disaster and Risk Reduction in U.S. Cities”, Earthquake Symposium 2010, is occurring today, Dec. 1, in Los Angeles, CA. Experts from academia, government and the private sector are covering key topics including: Haiti, Chile and LA: An Experience in Contrasts; Assessing the Risks of Seismic Activity in Los Angeles; Risk Engineering, A Solution to Managing Earthquake Disaster; and Increasing Los Angeles’ Earthquake Resilience. Participants include students, architects, engineers, contractors, government officials and members of the public concerned about seismic vulnerability.

NEES@UCLA researchers involved in panel discussions include Dr. John Wallace, PI, and Dr. Robert Nigbor, site operations manager. “This event is an outgrowth of our LAX Theme Building project,” said Nigbor. “It is focused on local Southern California stakeholders (government, owners, operators, architects, planners) more than on engineering practice.”

Nigbor will participate in a panel discussion of the LAX Theme Building as a case study in high performance earthquake engineering seismic risk reduction. Wallace will serve on a panel consideration on how best to encourage increasing LA’s earthquake resilience.

Many thanks to event hosts and sponsors for their support of this important gathering: NEES@UCLA, Miyamato Earthquake Structural Engineers, Tower General Contractors, AIA Los Angeles, Taylor Devices, Inc., Unbonded Brace, Woodworks, and Simpson Strong-Tie.

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