Strategically Located to Save Lives and Impact Economies​
We are a global engineering firm with a humanitarian focus, delivering expert solutions to sustain industries and safeguard humanity. Our Structural + MEP engineering team transforms complex design, economic, sustainability, and resilience challenges into opportunities. By providing high-performance engineering expertise, we reduce construction materials, enhance sustainability, and maximize investment value.
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Lives Impacted Globally
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Square Feet Constructed
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Clients Served
what we do
Make the world a better, safer place.
Our clients benefit from the best of local and global engineering talent, serving sectors such as education, healthcare, civic infrastructure, distribution, life sciences, residential, and commercial development. With deep expertise in earthquake-resilient engineering, we minimize damage and support efficient disaster recovery.
Local Expertise, Global Experience
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December 9, 2024 No Comments
What People Say About Us
They can be counted upon for creative solutions that balance risk from the perspective of a principal. We value their work with the highest regard.
Kipp BlewettRubicon Partners Miyamoto, they bring all the expertise, taking into account the seismic area that we are in.
Richard T. Hale IIIThe Hale Corp. This building can withstand an unlimited number of earthquakes. That’s the difference… In the event of a major earthquake, this airport will be the center of emergency response for Southern California.
Dan FegerExecutive Director, Bob Hope Airport I feel that Kit Miyamoto and his company are in the top 1% of their field globally.
George E. DicksonCEO, Seismic Warning Systems Inc. Previous